Our team of expert editors spends more than 400 hours per week researching products, conducting hands-on tests, interviewing industry pros, studying market research, reviewing consumer feedback, and writing up all our findings into digestible yet comprehensive reviews. We don’t use an algorithm or software to choose the products — they’re all hand-picked and researched or tested by us!

The amount of research and testing for each piece of content varies, since some products involve more complex topics — like anti-aging creams or camping tents — while others allow us to flex our discovery and curation skills, like this piece on dorm room decor ideas or essential tailgate supplies for a brighter counter companion. Sometimes we get our hands dirty while we’re wrist-deep in the product-testing phase (like when we tested these Shittens wipes … yes, those are a thing), while other times you’ll find us drowning in dozens of browser tabs full of brand and product research.

We don’t use an algorithm or software to choose the products — they’re all hand-picked, researched, or tested by us!

We’ll outline all the best options within a category and offer a product comparison so you can make a well-informed purchase that meets your target needs and budget. We’ll also introduce you to the latest, most on-trend items across 10 different verticals (tech, beauty, fashion, fitness, parenting … you name it!) that come researched, tested, and editor-approved. If you haven’t found what it is you’re looking for, then we haven’t done our job.

Why You Should Trust Us

We’ve reviewed more than 200,000 products since we launched, and we never recommend something we wouldn’t buy ourselves. We first conduct hours of research and initial product tests before finalizing our top picks within a category. Our editors spend days — sometimes weeks — researching and comparing several different models, reading consumer feedback, studying competitor coverage, calling in products, and hands-on testing across our team.

Kayla Ramsey

Each review is written by one or more editors with several years of expertise in covering their vertical. Our editors are experts in the field and have previously worked for brands like Cosmopolitan, Food & Wine, Travel & Leisure, Parenting.com, USAToday.com, NYMag.com, GearPatrol.com, and more.

We never recommend something we wouldn’t buy ourselves.

Once a review is written, we put it through the paces. Before it goes live to our audience, it touches several additional hands — a photo editor, copy editor, fact-checker, top editor, and site director all provide necessary feedback before greenlighting content for publication. This ensures our content is fully accurate and that all products are available to consumers. We’re also frequently shooting products in-house so we can truly give consumers a unique glimpse — and even offer a first look — at newly released gadgets that we got the exclusive on before other outlets, or so we can test setting powders that won't cause any Flashback Mary nightmares. (Don’t worry — we put in the work so you don’t have to!)

Affiliate Disclosure

When you’re clicking through our site to a retailer, we may earn affiliate commissions. This does not impact our coverage, however, as we always put the consumer first and recommend products that we stand by and that have been fully researched and tested.

Meet the Team

How to Reach Us

If you have questions or feedback, please write us contact@bestproducts.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

FAQs — You Asked, We Answered

How many hours do we spend researching a topic?

The real answer? It varies! For example, our appliance editor spent upwards of 100 hours researching best washing machine models for our in-depth piece. He compared 75 different models and narrowed them down by body style (front-loading, top-loading, or stacked) and features (steam-cleaning, allergen cycles, deep-cleaning, and more) then cut down the list further. He then vetted the 10 strongest models and included an extensive analysis so users could make the best choice while shopping by various budgets.

Bridget Clegg

Some topics, like dip-powder nail kits, don’t take as much research because our beauty editor has already tested them herself, while other topics may take even more time, especially when we’re hands-on testing something like workout headphones, for which six of our editors spent weeks personally reviewing the different headphones for noise quality, comfort, and battery life, among other criteria.

When you test a product in person, how many people are involved?

We love to get as many editors involved in the testing as possible, because each editor brings their own unique perspective to a product, but is still reviewing it using consistent, formal testing criteria. Our home decor editor personally tested linen sheets and had five additional editors contribute to the testing over a month — this included assessing the wear over time, including how they held up in the wash and how soft-to-the-touch they were.

Kayla Ramsey

How often do you update your content?

Our editorial team updates content every 3 months, ensuring that newly available products and trends are reflected. This also allows us to refresh our content for the season so that our content remains timely to the consumer.

Do products that get sent to your team make it onto the site?

We get sent products all the time, but only about 5-10% actually make it onto the site. If something’s sent to us blindly, we will consider it for review and put it through the wringer by researching it and testing it just as we would any other products. If we really want to test something, we will request a sample for consideration or purchase the product with our editorial budget.

Kayla Ramsey

Can companies pay to be added to your site?

We do not accept payment from companies for editorial inclusion, outside of sponsored posts, which are clearly labeled. All of our recommendations on the site are fully organic and represent the opinions and the research of our editorial team. If a piece is sponsored, it is clearly labeled on the site and will have a brand’s logo on it and will identify that it’s “In Partnership With” or “Created for” an outside brand.

When do you use original photography versus stock imagery?

We love to shoot products in-house because it allows us to show a product in a new way that you otherwise wouldn’t find online. We have a talented photo and design team, and our photographer even has a background in product photography. We’ve shot everything from Apple’s latest iPad to genius beauty hacks!

Kayla Ramsey

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